Dr. Mark S. Cantieri • Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
(574) 968-5166
Looking for Dr. Cantieri?
Dr. Mark Cantieri is now practicing at the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre in Granger, IN. To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit his page on the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre website:
Click Here to Connect with Dr. Cantieri
To schedule an appointment, please call 574-968-5166.

New Patients
If you are a new patient at Corrective Care, Welcome! Here is the information you will need to get started, including our New Patient Enrollment Form. Please don't hesitate to call our office 574-968-5166 with any questions.
New Patient Enrollment Form
Please click below to download the New Patient Enrollment Form, then print it out, complete it, and submit to the TMJ & Sleep Therapy team at info@tmjsleepindiana.com or by faxing to 877-317-3186.